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Baton Rouge City Key: Background of City Key

About the Baton Rouge City Key

EBRPL Community Information Database

Following the MetroMorphosis Summit in 2010, Better Baton Rouge partnered with the library to create the Baton Rouge City Key. Asset maps were created to map valuable community assets to create vibrant networks and to train community members to effectively utilize such networks to improve outcomes in areas of healthcare, education and civic engagement.

Since 1979 the library has kept a directory of non-profit organizations, government agencies and support groups, the Community Information Directory. Originally this was a print publication which later became incorporated into the libraries's website and can still be searched alongside the library catalog: Community Information Database.

City Key provided the opportunity to display these assets on a map to make the information more useful. Then with the addition of statistical data about our neighborhoods within the parish it offers the opportunity to identify patterns and to address areas of need.