As a Funding Information Network partner of the Foundation Center, the River Center Branch of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library is proud to offer access to Foundation Center by Candid.
Foundation Directory Online Professional
This database provides subscribers with access to an unprecedented wealth of timely, comprehensive information on grantmakers and their grants. Included is a database of the entire universe of over 100,000 foundations, corporate giving programs, and grantmaking public charities in the U.S.; a database of over 4,000 sponsoring companies, offering a quick pathway to corporate funders; a database of over 2.4 million recently awarded grants; and a keyword-searchable database of over 700,000 recently filed IRS Forms 990 and 990-PF.
Unique funder portfolios organize additional funder-specific content in one convenient location and include: grantmaker-related news, job opportunities, and Request For Proposals (RFPs); grantmaker-sponsored publications; and officer and trustee affiliations.
Philanthropy In/Sight®
This research tool is an interactive mapping tool designed for grantmakers, policymakers, researchers, academics—virtually anyone interested in the impact of philanthropy around the world today.
It combines the Foundation Center's rich data on grantmakers and their grants with familiar Google maps to tell the story of philanthropy. Choosing from a wide range of customization options, you can quickly create maps that reveal patterns of giving and funding relationships as never before.
Plus, you can overlay grant data with your choice of over 100 demographic and thematic data sets to create compelling visual portraits showing where philanthropy has made an impact and where opportunities exist to fill critical needs.