Legal Information Reference Center
Provides online full text from EBSCO for many of the top consumer legal reference books and contains more than 310 full-text publications and thousands of legal forms. Many of the full-text legal reference books are provided through Nolo, the nation's oldest and most-respected provider of legal information for consumers and small businesses.
Legal GPS is an interactive platform that gives business owners step-by-step, customized directions to complete 50+ legal essentials. It saves owners $4500 in legal fees and 60+ hours. Simply answer a few questions, complete step-by-step legal directions personalized for your business, then receive a personalized Legal GPS Status Report containing a legal scorecard, a quick guide sheet to help you legally in the future, and a completion certificate.
Legal information starts with the statutes (actual laws) and cases (court proceedings in which the laws are applied).
Search Louisiana laws and the Louisiana Constitution (1974). Statues are not annotated and no case law is included.