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Innovation Space @ Bluebonnet Regional Branch Library: Recording and Audio Information

Studio One Resources

The following is a list of additional resources for using Studio One. These resources cover editing techniques, using MIDI and MIDI controllers for making music, tips for mixing and mastering your songs, using and editing video in Studio One, and much more!

General Knowledge:

Badging Classes

BBR Recording Studio Beginner Badging Classes

Are you interested in learning about the recording studio at the Bluebonnet Regional Branch Library? Then, nows your chance! Join us for our Audio Badging Class in the studio! These intermediate badging classes are designed for you to learn more about making music, editing, and mixing/mastering. To complete the intermediate badging process, patrons must complete a badging practical - completing all set up steps without assistance. To register for intermediate class, patrons must first obtain a beginner badge. Patrons sign up for their practical after completing the class using LibCal.

Getting to use the Equipment

The Bluebonnet Regional Branch Library's Recording Studio is available for use by members of the East Baton Rouge Parish Community. The following information contains the badging guides and practical checklists for obtaining an intermediate badge!