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Mid City Micro-Con 2021: Cosplay

Celebrating diverse & inclusive comics, creators, & fans

All Things Cosplay!

2021 Cosplay contest rules are posted below!

Application closes August 7th!


Cosplay ApplicationTo apply for this year's Cosplay Contest, click the image above or complete this Google form:

If you do not have a Google/Gmail account, please email for instructions. 


Both virtual and in-person applications are welcome this year!

Rules for All Cosplayers

1. All costumes must be suitable for a family-friendly event. Suitability is determined by library staff. If you have questions about your costume's appropriateness, please email prior to the event.

2. Nudity or the illusion of nudity is not allowed. 

3. Profanity (including messages on clothing) is not allowed.

4. Obscene or offensive costumes are not allowed. Suitability is determined by library staff. If you have questions about your costume's appropriateness, please email prior to the event.

5. All prop weapons must adhere to the library's weapons policy. If you have questions about your prop's appropriateness, please email prior to the event.

  • Prop weapons that are made of light materials such as foam, cardboard, or wood are permissible. Prop firearms and other weapons must not be so realistic that they could be mistaken for actual weapons. Barrels of all prop firearms must have brightly colored caps in the barrels.
  • No functional firearms (including airsoft guns, pantball guns, etc.) or realistic-looking firearms that might be confused with functional firearms.
  • No projectile weapons of any type, including water guns.
  • No metal-bladed weapons, including swords.
  • No real blunt weapons, such as nunchaku or brass knuckles
  • No hard prop weapons made of metal or fiberglass
  • no fireworks or explosives

6. Cosplayers who submit virtual entries and do not attend the in-person competition or awards ceremony are permitted to include weaponry in their costume. However, library staff reserve the right to screen costumes from social media for this event if they are deemed unsuitable. If you have questions about your costume's appropriateness, please email prior to the event.

7. Virtual entries must include a brief video of less than 10 seconds showing that their costume is wearable to be considered for judging. The video will be played as part of the in-person competition.

Library staff reserve the right to ask anyone to resubmit photos or reapply with a different costume.