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One Book One Community 2022: Atchafalaya Houseboat: Culture & History

2022 Community-Wide Reading Program

Special Collections at EBRPL

The Baton Rouge Room Archive contains materials that reflect historical actions of local governments, businesses, residents and institutions of the City of Baton Rouge and East Baton Rouge Parish. These items include but are not limited to photographs, manuscripts, periodical publications, documents, audio and video recordings and memorabilia. 

Check out some local Baton Rouge artists here!

Looking to dive into genealogy? Let us help!

Get lost in these cool history databases!

Let's Go On A Road Trip!

There's more to explore in Louisiana than you'd think!

Louisiana Travel has road trip itineraries for any part of the state!

Only In Your State has great ideas for any kind of trip you're looking for.

Want some quirkier stops? Check out Roadside America's Louisiana map for unique roadside attractions.

Louisiana Travel

Louisiana is jam packed with things to see and places to go!

Louisiana Travel can help make it a little easier to sort through everything.

West Baton Rouge Museum

The West Baton Rouge Museum offers great opportunities to engage with the cultural heritage of South Louisiana!

  • Sign up for a workshop to learn things like Blacksmithing, Acrylic Painting and Woodworking!
  • On the first Friday of every month, check out Cafe Francais. It's for those who speak French, are learning French, or simply support the French language and culture in Louisiana. Speakers of any dialect and any skill level are welcome.
  • Saturday, April 23rd from 12 p.m. – 7 p.m., the Museum will showcase the big red barn with demonstrations and family friendly activities and end with an old fashioned barn dance complete with live music! This event is FREE and open to the public.

Cajun French Music Association

Atchafalaya NHA on Spotify!

The Atchafalaya National Heritage Area has a playlist on Spotify full of songs and bands from the region!


CODOFIL is the Council for the Development of French in Louisiana. The agency supports and grows Louisiana's francophone communities through scholarships, French immersion and various other community and language skill-building programs.

  • Here's a list of events that promote Francophone culture in Louisiana. 

Atchafalaya Basin Fun Facts!

  • It is larger than the Florida Everglades!
  • There are 65 species of reptiles and amphibians, 100 different species of fish and aquatic life and 250 known species of birds in the Basin!
  • An estimated 22 million pounds of crawfish are average harvested from the Basin every year!
  • "Atchafalaya" is a Choctaw term meaning "long river"!