Credit card payments are now accepted through the My Account portal.
1. Once signed in to your account, click on the "Payments due" menu option.
2. Select the item(s) you wish to pay by clicking the checkbox to the left of the item(s).
Then click the "Pay Now" button below the list of items.
3. A service fee of $0.20 will be added to your payment. If you wish to continue, click Yes. If you wish to cancel the transaction, click No.
4. Enter your credit card and billing information and click the Continue button.
5. Review the information you entered. If it is correct, click Confirm. If it is not correct, click Modify to change the information.
6. Review the amount that will be paid. The Service Fee of $0.20 is included on this screen. If it is correct, click Submit. If you wish to cancel the payment, click Cancel.
7. A receipt of the payment transaction is shown. You may:
a. Choose the Click here to continue button to return to your account.
b. Choose the Print receipt button to print a receipt.
c. Choose the Print screen button to print everything that is shown on the page.